Friday, July 17, 2015

AIS VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) looks like yet more of the same AIS frustration

If you are going to get a new higher bandwidth set of channels to pass marine data around, choosing AIS encoding (binary as over the VDL [VHF Data Link] or NMEA VDM/VDO) is just a terrible idea.  We have so many better serialization formats (Protobuf, MessagePack,, etc.).

240 kbps or 307.2 kbps at what freq?  Details are very thin.

From the RTCM comes this fairly empty statement:

SC-123 Chairman Norsworthy is very familiar with both programs.
“I believe that AIS opensthe door for efficient communication, navigation
and operation in the maritime services,” he says. “AIS is the essential core
for e-navigation, the harmonized collection, integration, exchange, presentation
and analysis of marine information onboard and ashore by electronic
means to enhance berth to berth navigation and related services
for safety and security at sea and protection of the marine environment.
“The next development is the VDES, which contains integral AIS,
and is ‘AIS on steroids.’ VDES will be to AIS as 4G is to cellphones. VDES
is designed to support all the apps needed for e-navigation and GMDSS
(Global Maritime Distress and Safety System) modernization. VDES provides
all the functionality, bandwidth and linkages for the efficient exchange
of information with ships, shore stations and satellites.”
William D. Kautz, USCG says:

VDES uses Recommendation ITU-RM.1842-1 techniques to solve the limitation of AIS data exchange

I've got little hope for anything other than an endless need for grunt coding contracts to come out of the e-Navigation world.

Oh the acronyms and buzz phrases...

E-Navigation Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP)

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